cyclist holding bottle

Should I Drink Electrolytes Before or After I Work Out?

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Staying healthy and performing at a high level means having the right nutrition and hydration strategy. Proper hydration and electrolytes play a significant role in that. We’ll explore the best timing for consuming electrolyte-containing beverages and essential advice from experts on optimizing their impact. From science to clinical research, this piece tackles the complex issue of electrolytes in an easy-to-understand way, allowing athletes and active adults of all levels to make informed decisions about their electrolyte intake based on their goals and needs. So whether you are training for a marathon or just keeping fit, read this until the end to get the most out of your electrolyte drinks.

What Are Electrolytes and Why Are They Important for Exercise?

Electrolytes are minerals in the body that help regulate various bodily functions, such as maintaining fluid balance and regulating muscle contractions. Common electrolytes include sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium. Sodium helps control blood pressure and volume, while potassium is vital for muscle contraction and energy production. Chloride is also found in cells and keeps them hydrated. Calcium helps with muscle contractions and helps build strong bones. Finally, magnesium is important for metabolism and nerve functioning.

The connection between electrolytes and exercise is significant because electrolytes help those working out by controlling their body’s response to strenuous activity. During exercise, muscles use up electrolytes due to increased sweating. Suppose there are not enough electrolytes present during an intense workout session. In that case, it can lead to dehydration and fatigue, resulting in decreased performance. Replenishing electrolyte levels by consuming foods like bananas or supplements like hydration capsules can help prevent dehydration during physical activity. But when it comes to electrolytes and exercise, when is the best time to drink them?

Replenish with Hydration Capsules

When to Consume Electrolytes?

Before Exercising: Preloading

Drinking electrolytes before a workout, often referred to as “preloading,” can be beneficial. By consuming electrolytes before exercise, you can increase your muscle energy capacity and improve your performance. Studies have shown that electrolyte preloading can improve muscle power and endurance during competition

Preloading also may help prevent dehydration during exercise by providing the body with more available fluids before the session. This type of hydration strategy helps the body maintain homeostasis by allowing water to stay in the body for longer periods. 

It is important to remember that individual needs may vary regarding preloading with electrolytes. Some athletes may require additional supplementation — depending on their sport, sweat rate and intensity of activity.

While Exercising: Hydrating

Hydrating with electrolytes during exercise is essential as it can help prevent dehydration, cramping, heat exhaustion and other adverse effects of strenuous physical activity. Drinking an electrolyte beverage while exercising gives the body quick access to readily available mineral salts, which can help replenish any electrolytes lost through sweat. This helps to sustain muscular contraction and minimize fatigue, while also improving performance. 

resting with water bottle

Source: Jacob Lund/

It’s also important to note that drinking plain water without electrolytes during exercise may dilute electrolyte concentrations in the body, which can impair muscle function and cause other issues. However, taking small sips of an electrolyte drink made with a supplement like Electrolyte Recovery Plus throughout the workout can help replace fluids lost through sweat and maintain adequate hydration levels. It’s also easy to do by adding electrolyte powder to your water bottle.

Recharge with Electrolyte Powder

After Exercising: Replenishing

Replenishing with electrolytes post-exercise is essential for everyone as it helps to replace any minerals lost through sweat and promotes muscle recovery. Consuming a beverage containing electrolytes following a workout can help restore lost fluids and electrolyte balance in the body, improving overall performance. 

Research has shown that when you consume an electrolyte-containing beverage post-exercise, you recover faster, sustain more muscle power and strength and suffer from less gastrointestinal distress during the next training session than those who do not. This is because electrolytes aid in absorbing carbohydrates and proteins essential for muscle recovery.

woman sportswear drinks water

Source: Hananeko_Studio/

So When Should You Drink Electrolytes?

Overall, consuming electrolytes before, during and after exercise is important to maximize performance and prevent dehydration. Preloading with electrolytes before a workout can help improve muscle power and endurance, while hydrating with an electrolyte-containing beverage during the session helps maintain hydration levels. Replenishing lost fluids post-exercise is also essential for everyone as it promotes muscle recovery. With that being said, taking advantage of all three stages of electrolyte consumption — preload, hydrate, replenish — can lead you on your way toward achieving optimal physical health and fitness goals.

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