Affiliate FAQ

Learn the ropes

Take a look at our Affiliate FAQ for answers to some of the most common questions. Something still not clear? Just drop us a line at [email protected] and we’ll get it sorted out quick!

Can anyone become an affiliate?

Simply put, yes! Anyone with a computer, the internet and a network of people can promote our products and get paid! We screen applicants for the purpose of protecting our brand image, and ask everyone to respect the family-friendly nature of our brand.

Will it cost me anything to sign up as an Affiliate?

Only about five minutes of your time! Otherwise, it’s totally free.

Do I have to have a website to be an Affiliate?

No! Obviously we’d love for you to promote our products on a website, but some of the most successful affiliates rely solely on their social media reach!

I just tried to sign up, but it says my email is already in use. Help?

This typically happens when you’re already a Key Nutrients customer, or have logged in to our main website in the past.

The solution? Just log in!

Click here to log in first, then head back to the application and continue filling out.

How do I get paid?

It’s really simple. Create your custom URLs in the backend of our Affiliate Area and distribute them on social media, your website or elsewhere. Once a customer clicks on your URL, they will be driven to our website, and a cookie containing your referral code will be saved in their browser. When they purchase a product, the cookie is tracked, and ‘credit’ is given to your account – in the form of cold hard cash!

The money will be transferred to your Paypal account on a regularly scheduled basis.

I want to become an Affiliate. What do I need to do?

Click here to sign up, create your custom URL in the Affiliate Area and share it with your network. It’s as easy as that!

Whom should I contact if I have questions on your Affiliate Program?

Simply shoot us an email at [email protected]!

Is there an agreement I need to accept before becoming an Affiliate?

Yes. At the bottom of the Affiliate Registration page, there is a hyperlink to the agreement.

Do I need to have a registered company in order to become an Affiliate?

Not at all! All you need is a network of people to talk to and a PayPal account!

Do you use any payment services other than PayPal?

No – we don’t want to store your bank account information on our servers, and PayPal’s security is top notch. That’s why we trust them to make the transfers for us.

How do I change my password?

Too easy! Just go to ‘My Account’ here or in the footer (below), and you can log in and change your password there.

Can I design my own creatives?

You can! If you use our logo, we simply ask that you use our brand colors and make sure it’s visible. The important thing is to use your URL – the image does not affect your commission.

What is my commission rate?

15% for every conversion is the default commission rate.

How do I increase my commission rate?

Increasing your commission rate depends on the order volume that you send our way. The more orders you send us, the more we pay!

Our current commission rate tiers are as follows:

Sales Volume in Current Month Commission Rate
$0 – $500 15%
$500 – $1,000 20%
$1,000+ 25%

** Note that sales volume resets at the beginning of each month

If any questions, shoot us an email [email protected]

What tips and tricks do you have to successfully promote your products?

There are a TON of great articles out there, but here are our top five tips for success:

  1. Be authentic – people want to see your honest review of the product!
  2. Be clear – make your call to actions crystal clear. Use button shapes, bold fonts and bright colors.
  3. Be creative – order a product that you want to sell and take pictures or video with it in creative ways!
  4. Be appropriate – use each platform the way they are supposed to be used. Have glamorous images on Instagram, longer posts for Facebook, and funny snaps on Snapchat.
  5. Be persistent – don’t spam people, but be sure to update your posts daily. Not everyone checks in with you every day, and you don’t want people to miss your post!

Here are some other resources:

How do I employ creatives?

It’s so easy! Copy and paste the code snippet from your Affiliate Area into your website, email or social media post. Ensure that you’re using your URL!

Can you provide high resolution images of your products?

Unfortunately, no – at this point we can’t provide print quality images. But feel free to pull our product images from our shop page here.

Where can I view my referrals?

If you are signed up as an affiliate, you can see them in your Affiliate Area under the Referrals Tab.

Where can I view my statistics?

If you are signed up as an affiliate, you can see them in your Affiliate Area under the Statistics Tab.

Can I generate custom URLs to match my campaign?

Kind of. Once you generate a URL using our URL builder, you can use Google or Bit.Ly to compress the URL, or add a query string on the end (e.g., but a completely custom URL will not function the same way.

How can I generate URLs for my campaigns?

If you are signed up as an affiliate, you can create them in your Affiliate Area under the URLs Tab. Just follow these steps:

  1. Find a page or product on the Key Nutrients website that you want to promote.
  2. Copy the URL to that product.
  3. Paste the URL into the URL Builder in the Affiliate Area
  4. Click Generate URL!
Do I need any special software in order to be an Affiliate?

Not at all – just an internet-capable device and your creativity!

Is there any cap on the number of referrals I can generate?

No! Your earning potential is unlimited.

Are there any market places or websites that I am not allowed to promote on?

Yes. Our brand is family friendly and thus we ask that you keep our products away from any site that is illegal, discriminating, defamatory, pornographic or that in any way would degrade our brand or our products. For full details of prohibitive activities please refer to our Program Agreement.

How long do you keep cookies on your website?

Affiliate cookies remain for 45 days.

Where is the traffic driven to from my referral links?

To the link you created! For example, if you generated your affiliate URL to point to our Key Keto product, that’s where they will go!

Do you have a program for recruiting other Affiliates for Key Nutrients?

Unfortunately, not at this point.

Can I promote Key Nutrients just on social media?

No. Just kidding! Of course you can! Many of the most successful affiliates solely promote on social media.

What are the most common platforms that Affiliates share links on?

Just to name a few:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Tumblr
  • Snapchat
  • Periscope
  • YouTube
  • Personal websites/blogs
  • Pay-per-click advertisements
  • So much more!